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Online Safety Events

Community Police Visit Camrose

The local police visited all of the pupils at Camrose to talk about mobile phones, safe Apps, Cyber Bullying and Sexting.

The pupils came away motivated and very knowledgeable about the possible dangers related to online activities.

All of the children were a credit to the school and engaged with enthusiasm throughout the week.

After a week packed with presentations, workshops and discussion the police very kindly sent us the following 'thank you'.

Afternoon Mrs Crick

Its with great pleasure that I write this email as a thank you from both myself and John for allowing us to come in to your school to speak to all year groups this week.

From the moment we entered your reception area we were greeted with a pleasant smile and a very helpful secretary through to our interaction with the staff and the pupils. Your school oozes pride and enthusiasm.

We have been in to over 200 primary schools across London over the past 2 years and your school really stands out and seems to go that extra mile. It has been a delight to come in every day and speak to the children.

We hope that the children have enjoyed our talks as much as we did in delivering them.

Kindest Regards

Harrow Police