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Computing and computer technology are part of just about everything in our lives and we are increasingly reliant on people understanding computers both at home and at work. By learning computing, pupils will build their knowledge and understanding of technical skills, such as programming and learn to use a range of applications, which they will need in their everyday life and will prepare them for the increasing digital world they will face in the future.

Computing Progression Grid


We know that computing and digital technology is going to play a pivotal role in our children’s lives and as a result we aim to develop ‘thinkers of the future’. We aim for our children to be digital creators rather than just consumers when using technology and to equip them to navigate the rapid and extraordinary changes taking place in digital technology effectively and safely.

Our curriculum, encompassing computer science, information technology, digital literacy and online safety, is progressive, ambitious and carefully sequenced. Children know that they need to face and overcome challenge in computing lessons; they accept that they will fail, will need to persevere and develop skills as logical, computational thinkers.  We offer children access to a wide range of software, platforms and devices to help them, using technology as a tool for both creativity and learning.  We want our children to be active participants in the digital world, whilst ensuring they are respectful, responsible and confident users; children will constantly be made aware of measures they can take to keep themselves, and others, safe online.


Our children follow a carefully structured Computing curriculum which has been designed to ensure children know more, do more and remember more as they progress through our school.  Our content is supported by advice, requirements and guidelines presented in the National Curriculum.

Computing is taught weekly. Detailed medium-term planning supports teaching, ensures continuity and carefully plans for progression and depth.  Children have opportunities to use high quality resources and materials to support their learning. Wider Curriculum links and opportunities for the safe use of digital systems are considered in wider curriculum planning.

Our computing curriculum is inclusive for all children; each lesson is sequenced so that it builds on the learning from the previous session. Where appropriate, activities are scaffolded so that all children can succeed, children may be provided with extra resources and support, such as visual prompts, so that they can reach the same learning points as the rest of the class.


A high quality computing education aims to develop a range of programming and technological skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas, including Science, Mathematics, English and History. As pupils progress through KS1 and KS2 children will become increasingly confident in:

  • The application of their digital skills
  • Becoming increasingly efficient and effective communicators, collaborators and analysts,
  • Showing imagination and creativity in their use of ICT in different aspects of their learning and life beyond school.
  • E-safety and the risks involved when using the internet.

The impact of the computing curriculum is assessed continuously against the age-related expectations in computing for each year group. In doing so, we are ensuring that the necessary support is provided for all children to have a good understanding of the primary computing curriculum whilst allowing us to effectively differentiate tasks for students.

Other methods of judging the impact of the computing curriculum offered are through the following methods:

  • Pupil discussions and interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).
  • Monitoring planning of lessons by the subject lead and providing feedback.
  • Photo evidence and images of the pupils’ practical learning.
  • Monitoring of children’s work.

The Computing Curriculum Progression Grid shows what will be covered by all children and how skills and knowledge are developed as the children progress through the school.


Camrose Computer Whizz

End Point in Learning Journey


Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

  1. Will know that technology is used in school and in their everyday lives.
  2. Will be able to programme simple toys to make them moe
  3. Will be able to explain how to use digital equipment safely


  1. Will know how to use digital technology to  present information in different ways; drawings, documents and presentations
  2. Will be able to programme and code simple toys and games
  3. Will know how to stay safe on the Internet and what to do if they feel unsafe.
  1. Will have the knowledge and skills necessary to use, communicate and create through digital technology.
  2. Will be able to programme and code using simple algorithms
  3. Will be able to explain how to stay safe in the digital environment when using the Internet and connecting with others