ELSA - Emotional Literacy Support Assistance
In addition to an outstanding curriculum, we understand the need for first class pastoral care. As holders of the Wellbeing Award for Schools, we have worked tirelessly to facilitate a culture of positive mental health and wellbeing across the whole school population.
Children are welcomed into school each morning with a soft start - this allows us to monitor and quickly react to any emotional needs that our children might present with. We have a team of people on hand to help out and ensure that all children get the start to the day that they deserve. We have highly skilled staff who are able to effectively respond to any concerns and there is support in place in order to make sure that a child's holistic needs are met.
At Camrose, we have Mr Spencer, an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) specialist, who is trained and supervised by an Educational Psychologist. Mr Spencer delivers a range of pastoral interventions during the school day. These interventions support:
- Self-esteem
- Social skills
- Friendship Issues
- Conflict
- Managing strong feelings
- Emotional regulation
- Problem-solving
Children are referred via the class teacher, SENDCo, parents, outside agencies or the child themselves.
Please make an appointment to speak with Mr Spencer if this is something you would like to discuss in more detail.