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We believe all children at Camrose Primary School have entitlement to learning experiences which will enable them to achieve their maximum potential.

 Inclusion is at the centre of the core values and ethos of Camrose and we recognise every child's right to a broad, balanced, relevant and challenging curriculum which is appropriate to individual abilities, talents and personal qualities.

At Camrose, diversity is highly valued and children are encouraged to develop mutual respect and tolerance of each other and to believe that there are no limits to individual effort and achievement.

We welcome children with a wide range of needs and strive to meet their needs regardless of the challenges they may face.

We follow the London Borough of Harrow Guidelines for Learning Support in line with the National SEN Code of Practice for the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs. Children who are identified as having Special Educational Needs may be supported on an individual basis, in small groups or within the class through the differentiation of the curriculum.

Special Educational Needs and disabilities(SENd)

(Please click to download the documents.)

The Inclusion Leader works with class teachers and other agencies e.g. Occupational and Speech and Language Therapists, support teachers and Educational Psychologists, to identify children's special educational needs and advise class teachers and parents.

Quality First teaching is always a priority and to support this we also have a team of teaching assistants who work under the direction of the Inclusion Leader and class teachers to support children's learning in the classroom.

Pastoral Support

The school also has a highly trained learning mentor who is able to support children accessing learning in the classroom and the playground.

They support with strategies for social interaction, organisation skills, communication skills, concentration, low self-confidence and friendship skills all the while promoting independence. Support can be in class, small group sessions, 1:1 or in the playground. They have been very effective in the past in supporting children accessing all aspects of school life as well as transitioning from one school phase to another.

Provision for Disabled Pupils

Camrose is committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for disabled pupils, staff and all who use the school. We believe that diversity is a strength which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit here.

 Children with visual and hearing impairments and pupils with learning difficulties are made to feel very welcome by the school. We would always make every attempt to fully meet their needs and ensure that, as far as possible, they have full access to the curriculum on offer at Camrose. If this were not possible, we would seek help from outside agencies and the Local Authority using the procedure outlined in the Special Educational Needs Policy.

Able, Gifted and Talented Pupils

Teachers have high expectations of all children but we acknowledge the fact that some children are more able and have additional gifts and talents in specific areas. A range of additional activities and enrichment opportunities to support the curriculum are planned to extend the children's learning. Quality First Teaching provides regular/robust challenge for pupils within lessons.


For additional information or if you have any questions about SEND please contact the SENCO; Mrs N Stonestreet on 0208 9523272