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The Chair of Governors, Judith Fortune, can be contacted via the school by email or letter to the school office.

What does the governing body do?

The governing body …

  • sets the strategic direction, objectives, targets and policies;
  • reviews progress against the budget, plans and targets;
  • approves the school budget;
  • acts as a critical friend to the head teacher by providing support and challenge;
  • appoints the head teacher.

The governing body has a strategic role as opposed to operational role. This helps the governing body focus on their key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability, and monitoring and evaluation to promote school improvement and raise standards and achievement.


Training and development opportunities are offered by the local authority (LA) to support school governors in their role and governors are expected to attend relevant training. Training for new governors is provided centrally.

Visiting School

Governors are expected to see the school in action. Governors should visit the school, other than for meetings, at least twice a year. Visiting the school allows us to understand better how things are going for pupils, staff and the community. Without this insight governors cannot fully participate in setting the strategic direction of the school. Governors do not make unannounced visits.

Am I eligible to stand as a parent governor?

Only parents or those with parental responsibility of pupils registered at the school are entitled to stand or vote in the election.  Further details on parental responsibility can be obtained from the headteacher.

Parents who are employed at the school and work more than 500 hours in a school year are not eligible to stand for parent governorship as they qualify to stand as staff governors.  However, they may still cast a vote.  Parents who are elected members of the local authority are not eligible to stand as parent governors.

There are some other criteria that exclude anybody from qualifying as a governor.  These are outlined in the nomination form in this pack.

Do I need any particular qualifications or skills?

No special qualifications are required, although enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education are essential qualities to bring to a governor post. If you are interested in becoming a governor you should complete the application form available from the school office or on the website. Once you are a member of the Governing Body you will complete a skills audit to identify any training needs you may have.

I would like to stand for election, what do I do next?

To stand as a candidate in the election, you will need to complete the nomination form included in this pack and return it to the school before the deadline specified in the letter from the Head teacher and/or Chair of Governors.

Part of the form (page 3 only) will be used as your objectives to voting parents as to why you wish to be elected.  This will be sent out with the ballot papers. 

Where can I get further information about school governors?

There are a number of sources of information if you want to find out more about becoming a school governor.