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Childhood Obesity

Today, one in three children are overweight or obese. Research suggests that - if untreated - 85% of these children will become obese adults.This statistic alone is reason enough to address weight issues in the early years.

Every year Reception and Year 6 pupils are measured and weighed as part of the National Child Measurement Programme. The information collected is used to deliver services to prevent and manage overweight and obesity in children nationally.

Using the results, a 3 year average is reported to the school so that we can look at ways to improve pupils health and wellbeing and help our children manage and maintain a healthy weight.

At Camrose:

In 2019, 22% of Reception pupils are overweight; 8% being obese - this was in line with current national averages. 

Currently, in 2023, 22% of Reception pupils at Camrose are classified as overweight or living with obesity - again in line with national figures and slightly above the average for Harrow (which is 19%).

In 2019, 42% of Year 6 pupils are overweight; 29% being obese

Currently, in 2023, 41% of Year 6 pupils at Camrose are classified as overweight or living with obesity - this is above the national average of 34% and above the average across Harrow (which is 38%)

These are extremely concerning figures.

At Camrose we have increased sporting opportunities, banned crisps and chocolate bars as part of lunch and no longer accept pupils bringing in sweets or cake to celebrate birthdays. As part of our curriculum, we teach pupils about being healthy through fitness and their diet.

Unfortunately, we can only do so much! 

We are asking parents to help us, help their children to maintain a healthy weight.

We ask you to consider 5 key messages

  • Be A role model
  • 2 Snacks Max
  • Me Size Meals
  • Be Active
  • 5 A Day

(sourced: NHS - Change 4 Life)

Please see our School Meals section (in the Parents tab) for ideas about healthy lunches