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Two Snacks Max

Regular, healthy snacks really help kids grow and develop well

General Info

We know that kids have smaller stomachs than adults and need to eat smaller amounts of food regularly to keep their energy levels high throughout the day.  2 snacks max is all about getting in to the habit of giving the kids a healthy mid morning and mid-afternoon snack.  It also gets them in to a good routine and by regularly offering 2 healthy snacks a day in between 3 healthy ‘me size meals’ will help to ensure that kids have enough energy to keep them going throughout the day.  It’s a good habit for us adults to role model too.

What’s a healthy snack?

Healthy snacks include foods like fruit and veg and starchy foods like bread, rice cakes and breadsticks.  Making food fun and appealing can make it more exciting and kids are more likely to try it.  Chopping up fruit and veg into sticks rather than offering whole pieces is much more manageable.  Offering fruit and veg at snack times will also help the kids on their way to their 5 A day and they only need a handful to count as 1 portion.  Other snack options include toast, crackers and cheese, or rice cakes or breadsticks with dips – see our recipe section for some tasty home-made dip ideas.