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Relationship, Sex Education

Dear Parents/Carers,


After an extensive parent consultation process in relation to the RSE curriculum reviewing what you as parents felt was appropriate for the pupils at Camrose, we used feedback from the parent workshops and parent consultation meetings  to ensure parent voice was included in the up-dated RSE curriculum.

As a result, we have made several amendments to the RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) curriculum, which ensure that we are in line with the new government guidelines and requirements, but that also takes parent’s views into consideration.

A full RSE curriculum update has been published on the Camrose Primary School website in the pupils / curriculum section. The changes are as follows:


  • Separate classes for male and female pupils, when partaking in the RSE topic taught from Year 4 onwards. Lessons will include discussions on changes during Puberty and how children can manage their feelings positively.
  • Lessons covering sexual intercourse will be taught in Year 6 only, this is non-negotiable as reproduction is a part of the Science curriculum and will need to be covered.
  • RSE lessons in Years 3, 4 and 5 will no longer cover conception and reproduction, but will include discussion based lessons on Puberty.
    Puberty is a part of Health Education and therefore is a compulsory topic which is statutory within educational settings. This cannot be changed.
  • A planned session for Year 6 pupils, after RSE lessons, where they can express their views and feelings about what they have learnt.

I would like to remind parents that if, after reviewing the RSE curriculum content, you still wish to withdraw your child, you must do so in writing. Also, you are withdrawing them from the single 'sex' education lesson - NOT the relationships section. This essentially means they will be missing a single lesson during the summer term.

We thank the parents who joined us for the review and for sharing their concerns and ideas with the PSHE coordinator and I. 

To review the full RSE Policy please go to the Policy and documents section of this website.

At Camrose, we are committed to ensuring that the education provided to pupils in Relationship Education and RSE is carefully designed to safeguard and support pupils, to help them build knowledge and life skills over time in a way that prepares pupils for the upcoming changes they will soon experience.  I would urge you to look through the detailed RSE plans prior to Summer term (2021) and if you have any questions please speak to the class teacher.


Thank you for your continued support.