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At Camrose Primary School we follow the National Curriculum 2014


At Camrose our vision for the curriculum is to develop confident, independent and resilient pupils who display high levels of maturity and exceptional standards of behaviour and are prepared for life beyond school. We achieve this through delivering a motivational, dynamic and engaging curriculum that broadens children’s curiosity and nurtures pupils’ unique talents and abilities.

We have a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give our pupils, particularly our disadvantaged pupils and those pupils with SEND, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.  The curriculum is not only carefully targeted to meet the needs of our children but also to reflect the context of our local community. It progressively builds on skills, knowledge and conceptual understanding year on year.

Our curriculum design, using the 2014 NC framework, reflects our ambitious school vision and gives children real opportunities to develop key social skills, to understand the difference between right and wrong, to explore their own spirituality, show respect, celebrate difference and diversity and understand the values that underpin a democratic society.

To make the aims and objectives of the 2014 Curriculum clearer to children, parents and staff we have created the following ‘Aims and Objectives’ document. This can be read by clicking on the link below:

To read the full programmes of study, for individual year groups and key stages, published by the Department of Education, for  the National Curriculum (2014), please click upon the links below:

To read the 2014 Curriculum in its entirety please click upon the link below:

Please contact the school office if you have any questions or require any information about the curriculum at Camrose.