Dear Parent / Carers,
I’d like to welcome you all back to Camrose Primary. I hope you had and enjoyable summer break.
I’d like to begin by saying a HUGE welcome to our new Reception and Nursery pupils and parents. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and seeing the children grow and flourish during their time at Camrose.
I would like to remind you about the importance of your child attending school every day and being on time.
YOUR child’s education is very important to us. We want them to succeed and be the best that they can be. To achieve this we will do all we can to ensure that they get the best possible education however; we can’t do this without YOUR support.
If your child consistently misses school or parts of lessons due to lateness then it WILL affect their education.
Please be aware that time off during the school term is only authorised for ‘exceptional’ circumstances – NOT for holidays.
The school can and will only authorise a maximum of 5 days absence throughout the year.
Unauthorised absence could result in a Penalty Notice from the local Authority
School starts promptly at 8.45am
We had a very successful year last year and I have no doubt that with your continued support we will be even more successful this year.
There is already lots planned for this year, so please check the school calendar regularly - it is on the school website and on the parent portal.
I look forward to seeing you all at the ‘Meet The Teacher’ sessions. Please remember if you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to come in and see us;
The door is always open.