Dear parents / carers,
Almost halfway through the school year!
Half-term break is fast approaching after what has been a very busy, and thankfully, normal start to the year. Trips, workshops and performances are back in full flow, and we have lots scheduled for the second half of the spring term.
This year, to ensure we are able to continue offering extracurricular and enrichment opportunities, we have been asking for parents to donate towards the cost; usually contributions equate to about a third of the total cost.
Unfortunately, contributions have been minimal and so the decision has been made, and agreed by the Governors, that we shall have to begin to cancel events where parental contributions have not been forthcoming.
This would be a massive shame for the children as many of the experiences they get at Camrose would not be had in their day-to-day lives. I ask you to please help us maintain the wide range of enrichment opportunities by contributing towards their cost.
Thank you.
Mrs Crick